Sunday 3 April 2011

Heritage and Character in London.

Yesterday I went with the family to Greenwich Market in South East London and what a breath of fresh air it was. It's great to see the old independent market traders selling unique and generally handmade goods. It was clearly a real attraction as it was so packed with both tourists taking photos and shoppers looking for something different away from the major high street chains. Apparently the market has had a presence in Greenwich since the early eighteenth century and for the past twenty years or so it's become an arts and crafts market. There is talk though that it could be modernised and made into a mall, but we already have enough out of town malls so let's keep Greenwich as it is; a place which retains its unique heritage and character.

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like a place Betty and I would like. You're right. Let them do whatever is needed to keep the market safe and clean, but don't make it into something that looks like it just arrived yesterday.

