Saturday 13 August 2011

A Fine Gentleman

"If you go to work, life is sweeter...If you've got good health, you're a millionaire." Well said Mr Biber, an 89 year old barber from Tottenham, London speaking out after the riots. 


  1. A fine gentleman indeed. He's right about work and health. He's also right about these people being criminals. They have no one to blame but themselves. I'm sure there are plenty of young people their own age and in the same circumstances who are working to make a better life for themselves. Unfortunately, the minority of criminals get the publicity.

    Again, we pray for you and your wonderful country. Your heritage is great and we know the stains come from only a few.

    God bless England.


  2. thanks for sharing this Mark - I think Mr Biber should be asked to advise the government on social policy.....

  3. Thanks for the kind words Dan. You're right of course; there are plenty of young ones out there working to make a better life for themselves, so let's hope they can set the example.
