Thursday 14 July 2011

Woody Allen and his Typewriter

I'm a great fan of Woody Allen's films; they're always worth watching especially because of the dialogue which he still writes on a typewriter. With a superb sense of humour and perceptive observations of the relationships between his characters, he draws you in to his films. Here's a clip from a relatively recent film and one starring Penelope Cruz and Javier Bardem ~ 

Here's a classic excerpt from 'Manhattan' and a great piece of script writing ~

An interesting portrait of his life and work can be found on the website or 

A statue of Woody Allen from a photo I took in Oviedo in northern Spain where he filmed parts of 'Vicky, Christina Barcelona'


  1. hey Mark - I love Woody Allen films too and this statue is fantastic!

  2. Thanks for that Christopher; the dialogue between Diane Keaton and Woody Allen is superb ~
