Friday 31 December 2010

Cleverness and Wisdom

Isn't it such a good feeling when someone who you really cherish buys you a special gift. It was a fascinating book or a series of essays incorporating philosophy, psychology, literature and so much more. In fact I came across this earlier on when the writer explores the differences between cleverness and wisdom. He points out that "where cleverness satisfies itself with winning arguments in the abstract, wisdom is a practical art, aimed at making deft judgements in the midst of everyday complications." I'm reminded of what a former colleague once said to me that anybody can be 'clever, clever' just paraphrasing or quoting writers, but what really changes society is having the wisdom, decency and goodness in knowing how to act in given situations or when faced with "everyday complications."

Perhaps on a similar note and again worth quoting are the famous words from Socrates who felt that "the unexamined life was not worth living and preferring dialogue to speeches, he'd get you to reflect on yourself and your actions in a way that would either lend them greater meaning or inspire you to make changes, and so create the meaning your life lacked." I think this is so true to ensure that each day can have fulfillling experiences.

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